IMAGE Services

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Today’s Hottest Topics

  • Leadership

    What does it take to be a great leader? Whether you want to be more effective in your current position or are working to move forward in your career, you will benefit from brushing up on leadership skills.

  • Customer Service Skills

    Building business rapport is essential to gain respect as a professional and build trust with your business team. Learn specific techniques to immediately implement ~ making for a positive impact on customer relations.

  • Etiquette

    Simple and straight-forward solutions equipping your personal and professional image with etiquette. A positive approach with not only what to do, but why to do it. From table manners to perfect introductions and office essentials.

  • Communication

    Telephone skills, understanding relationships, getting results, clarity of purpose are all necessary for powerful communication. Brush up on the basics and develop new insights for this necessary skill.

  • Teamwork

    Is your team talent in the game or on the bench? Discover ways to get total team-work through training the team, coaching like a pro, and building supportive fans (customers!)

  • Popular Titles

    “Building Business Rapport”
    “Lead to Succeed!”
    “Closing the Sale”
    “Office Etiquette Essentials”
    “Activate Your Attitude!”
    “Manager as Coach”
    “Total TEAM-Work”

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Organizations, individuals, and businesses utilize IMAGE.

  • IMAGE Consulting options include:

    Strategic Planning
    Marketing Strategies
    Motivational Conferences
    Employee Coaching Sessions

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Today’s Hottest Topics

  • Leadership

    What does it take to be a great leader? Whether you want to be more effective in your current position or are working to move forward in your career, you will benefit from brushing up on leadership skills.

  • Customer Service Skills

    Building business rapport is essential to gain respect as a professional and build trust with your business team. Learn specific techniques to immediately implement ~ making for a positive impact on customer relations.

  • Etiquette

    Simple and straight-forward solutions equipping your personal and professional image with etiquette. A positive approach with not only what to do, but why to do it. From table manners to perfect introductions and office essentials.

  • Communication

    Telephone skills, understanding relationships, getting results, clarity of purpose are all necessary for powerful communication. Brush up on the basics and develop new insights for this necessary skill.

  • Teamwork

    Is your team talent in the game or on the bench? Discover ways to get total team-work through training the team, coaching like a pro, and building supportive fans (customers!)

  • Popular Titles

    “Building Business Rapport”
    “Lead to Succeed!”
    “Closing the Sale”
    “Office Etiquette Essentials”
    “Activate Your Attitude!”
    “Manager as Coach”
    “Total TEAM-Work”

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Helping Businesses and Individuals to:

  • Gain a Competitive Edge
    Improve Techniques
    Develop Positive Attitude
    Improve Employee Performance
    Create a Team Atmosphere
    Sharpen Skill

Additional Advantages of IMAGE:

  • Private Scheduled Training

    You select the best time for your business.

    You select the best topic for your business.

  • Tailored Program Development

    How much time do you have?

    How many people will attend?

    What’s your budget?

    Would you like a single event or multiple programs?

  • Dana Personally Negotiates the Agreement, is the Trainer, and On-Site Consultant

    Professional speaker and educator with business world experience.

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IMAGE is Individualized and Customized

  • Training fees are individually negotiated based upon size of the group, and type of program.
    All events are tailored program length, size of group, skill level of attendees, and desired results.
    Additional expenses for airline travel, mileage, overnight accommodations are included in contracts.

Next Step: Contact IMAGE to request an interview for proposal.

  • Details to include:

    Your Name and Title
    Organization Name
    Telephone Number
    Event Date, Theme and Location
    Length of Program
    Number of Participants
    Topics Preferred

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From the “Office Etiquette Essentials” workshop.

“The bottom-line of office etiquette is that you are in charge of the attitude and ideals you bring to the work environment. Implement these key points to be a positive part of the TEAM.” - Dana M. Wenstrand

E ~ Enjoy Your Work
T ~ Trust Your Co-Workers
I ~ Insist on Excellence
Q ~ Quit Inconsiderate Actions
U ~ Understand Differences
E ~ Evolve for the Occasion
T ~ Temper Your Opinions
T ~ Tap Into Positive Resources
E ~ Empower Yourself

From the “Manager as Coach” workshop.

“Four-Point Coaching Strategy” to build a team, develop enthusiasm, and gain respect:

  • Recruit Appropriately ~ Right player - right position.

    Training ~ Do the players know the rules? Are you developing their skills? They’re going to develop habits anyhow, why not teach them the habits you want them to know?

    Mission ~ Communicate “what it takes to win” and the process for reaching goals.

    Play! ~ Once you have the right player, in the right position, who knows the rules, has the proper training, and understands the goal ~ Let Them Play the Game!!